In a shocking turn of events, the Osun State Police Command announced the arrest of seven suspects accused of selling human parts and water used to bathe corpses. The suspects, including two mortuary attendants, Johnson Daniel a 43 years old and Adetunji Okunade 42 years of age , were apprehended following a tip from a whistleblower.
According to the acting Police Public Relations Officer, Emmanuel Giwa-Alade, Daniel and Okunade conspired to sell human remains from the mortuary where they worked to native doctors for ritual purposes. The suspects also sold water used to bathe corpses to interested buyers.
A search of the suspect’s residences yielded disturbing evidence, including fragments of substances suspected to be a human skull at the homes of Asaka Rauf and Oladapo Hammed. Additionally, a female pant and a notebook containing instructions on ritual practices were recovered from Balogun Temitope Asimiyu’s residence.
The investigation, led by the State Criminal Investigation Department, resulted in the arrest of two more suspects, Joy Faseyiku 63 years old and Alabede Janet 64 years old females in connection with the crime. The suspects have been charged and are pending trial at the Federal High Court.