Regina Daniels, a prominent Nigerian actress, has released a video message addressing the ongoing “End Bad Governance” protests in the country.
In the video, she expresses her concerns about the protests turning violent and urges Nigerians to exercise caution.
Regina who has faced backlash for her initial comments on the protests, responds to critics who accuse her of being privileged. She acknowledges her privilege but emphasizes that she is speaking out because she cares about the country’s well-being.
The actress specifically mentions reports of citizens waving Russian flags in the North, which she believes indicates that the protests are taking a different turn. She appeals to Nigerians to shun violent protests and work towards peaceful resolutions.
Regina’s video message has sparked mixed reactions on social media, with some supporting her views and others criticizing her for not fully understanding the protesters grievances.
This is not the first time Daniels has faced criticism for her comments on the protests. Previously, a Nigerian lady lashed out at her for addressing the youths, accusing her of being out of touch with reality.
The ongoing protests in Nigeria have been marked by calls for an end to bad governance, corruption, and economic hardship. The government has responded with force in some instances, leading to reports of human rights abuses which is fueling the protests.