In a shocking turn of events, a suspected Boko Haram suicide bomber detonated a bomb at a marketplace in Kauri, a rural community in Borno State, North East Nigeria, on Wednesday, July 31. The attack occurred around 9 pm at the bustling night market, resulting in multiple casualties.
According to local sources, a policeman and a woman were killed, and two patrol vans were set ablaze. A government official reported that the bomb exploded at a tea joint, injuring dozens of people. The official stated that 19 corpses were seen, and the injured were taken to a hospital in Maiduguri for treatment.
This attack is one of several recent incidents in the area, which has been frequently terrorized by Boko Haram. The community is located 50 kilometers from Maiduguri, the state capital.
In a separate incident, an Accountant working with the Local Education Authority in Damboa was killed when his vehicle ran into an IED along the Maiduguri-Damboa-Biu highway.
The attacks ensued on the eve of a planned nationwide protest, which the government has warned could be hijacked by terrorists. No official statement has been released about the incidents, and authorities have not confirmed the number of fatalities.