Afeez Adedigba, a micra taxi driver in Ibadan, Oyo State, has shed light on why he wore his wife’s dress while driving, a moment captured in a viral video. In an interview with Ayo Adams, Adedigba explained that heavy rainfall drenched his clothes, and his wife’s dress was the only available solution.
“I took my wife’s dress because mine were soaked in the rain,” Adedigba stated. “I informed my wife that I needed to use the cloth in my car, and she agreed.”
Adedigba revealed that this wasn’t an isolated incident, as he has worn his wife’s dress on multiple rainy days. “I keep two of my wife’s dresses in my vehicle for times like that. When it rains, I wear the dress, and when it stops, I change into my own clothes.”
He dispelled rumors of a fight causing his clothes to be torn, leading him to wear his wife’s dress. Adedigba emphasized that he is a devoted husband to his one wife and father to their four children, whom he works hard to provide for.
“I’m driven to meet my family’s needs, and that’s why I make sacrifices like wearing my wife’s dress on rainy days,” Adedigba said. His explanation aims to set the record straight, showcasing his resourcefulness and dedication to his family.