In a devastating turn of events, fire has ravaged the Karu Market in the Federal Capital Territory, leaving a trail of destruction and loss. The blaze, which occurred on Thursday evening, has destroyed goods and properties worth millions of naira, leaving traders and shoppers in despair.
“This is a disaster, everything has burnt down. I could not recover anything. This is where we feed our families, and now everything is gone,” said one of the traders, who was in tears. “I cannot hold myself, I am in pain. I don’t know if the government can help us. My money that has gone into this business is over ₦10 million. I am tired and I don’t know where to start.”
The FCT Fire Service, with a station in Karu Market, responded to the incident but faced challenges accessing the scene due to the large crowd. Despite the challenges, soldiers were on the ground to maintain order and ensure safety.
Preliminary investigations suggest an electrical surge may have caused the fire, which quickly spread and engulfed parts of the market. “We suspect that an electrical surge may have caused the fire, but we are still investigating to determine the exact cause,” said Florence Wenegieme, the Acting Director General of the FCT Emergency Management Department (FEMD).
The full extent of the damage is still being assessed, but it is clear that the fire has had a significant impact on the community. “The fire has destroyed a significant portion of the market, and we are still trying to determine the extent of the damage,” said Wenegieme. “We are working to ensure that the traders and shoppers are safe, and we will do everything possible to support them in this difficult time” she further said.
The FEMD has emphasized the importance of access in firefighting operations. “Access is crucial in firefighting operations, and we are working to ensure that our firemen have unfettered access to markets and other areas to prevent such incidents in the future,” said Wenegieme.
The Nigeria Police, Nigeria Army, and Civil Defense Corps were also on the ground to ensure crowd control. “We are working together to ensure that the situation is brought under control, and we will do everything possible to support the traders and shoppers affected by the fire,” said a police officer on the ground.
As the investigation into the cause of the fire continues, traders and shoppers are left to pick up the pieces and wonder how such a disaster could have occurred. “This is a tragedy, and we need to ensure that it never happens again,” said one trader.
“We need to work together to ensure that our markets are safe, and we need to hold our leaders accountable for ensuring that we have access to basic amenities like fire services,” another trader added.